Workforce Commission Job Fair June '24

Workforce Commission Job Fair June '24

June 17, 2024
Leena Yassin

Today was the day! 

As a new company, new territories can be daunting. Sometimes we trip up on our words, blank on what we were going to say next, or are outright anxious to talk to someone. However, with the help of Camila Norder - the Talent Recruiter for Brightstar's Frisco location - she showed us the ropes and we grabbed them. We, here at Irving/Dallas Metro, extend the warmest of gratitudes to her.

As we eased our way into the Workforce Commission Job Fair, we noticed we weren't the only ones who were nervous. People of all walks of life attended the fair, eager to join a team that was right for them. Some decided that home health care was not the path for them, as they duly noted the heart and strength needed for the job. However, many people were not only interested, but had extensive prior experience! As a nice man who visited our table said, "God is always on time."

With all this to say, we encourage the community to venture out and attend job fairs, hiring and recruitment events in their area! The people behind the table are probably just as excited as you to be there. At Brightstar Home Healthcare, we want to help you, help us, help the community. 
