Senior Caregivers in Arlington, VA
We have survived snowpocolypse! We would like to extend our HUGE appreciation to all our nurses and senior caregivers in Arlington in who worked on Wednesday last week (the 1/2 inch of snow that messed things up pretty bad!) and of course this past weekend. This emergency showed your true dedication to your clients and your BrightStar family. You were super stars to clients, us at the office, and many, many of you worked really hard to help their colleagues who could not make it to clients the last few days. It’s been absolutely impossible for us to pick one Super Star of the week. Not doable… These Stars went above and beyond the call of duty and showed us how seriously they take their jobs and how much care they have in their big hearts.A Few of Our Top Caregivers

“There are no words to explain Sofia's actions, care, heart, responsibility, everything. Sofia started a Friday am shift and stayed on sight until Monday night and then went back to work with the same clients on Tuesday for a full shift. Overtime we asked if she could please do another day, she said okay, sure. This is a mighty woman! Thank you!"

“Clementina was on a shift when it was snowing outside and by the time she finished it was 10pm (Wednesday night). Clementina stayed at her client’s house until the following day. That was a surprise mini snow storm for which she was not prepared but managed very well. Amazing! Thank you!"

“Nina, too, was on a shift when it was snowing outside Wednesday evening and had to experience a horrifically long and bad commute to make it safely home. With good spirits and humor, all went well. Bless you! Thank you!"

“Hassanatu lives in Maryland and uses public transportation. She had a night shift on Wednesday when it was a huge mess out there. When she got to one of her many bus stops, all the vehicles on the road were stuck in traffic. She had five bus stops left before her destination. Hassanatu kept us informed at the office and because there was no other option to get there, she walked in that weather and saw her client that night. Incredible! Thank you!"

“- Karelle lives and works in the Arlington area but also in Woodbridge. Karelle had a shift that started very late on Friday during the heavy snow fall and she made it to her Woodbridge client. She then happily stayed on sight until Sunday afternoon — 48 hours. Oh my god! Thank you!"

“Erina - just business as usual for this great woman - went to her long shift on Sunday in the middle of all that mess. She took over that very well orchestrated marathon from Karelle and finished it up, like a pro, Monday night. Incredible! Thank you!"

“Mireille completed her shift on Wednesday while it was snowing and drove all the way back to her house in Maryland. It took her about 6 hours to get home safely, with her usual great sense of humor and positive attitude, and was in good spirits when she made it home at 1:45am. Mireille was at her shift, business as usual, Monday morning. Fabulous! Thank you!"

“Nurse Maria’s first shift with us was on Wednesday night - messy weather and traffic! She made it from afar and then her car got stuck in the middle of the road about a block away from the client. She stayed outside in the cold for hours to deal with this. Her husband had to come to the rescue to fix the car situation and walk Maria up to the client’s house. Great spirit, excellent communication! Wish we can make husbands BrightStar employees of the week! Thank you!"

“Sia had another job earlier on Friday morning then she had a shift in the evening. When Sia was asked to go to her shift earlier she said okay. She got to her shift on Friday and finished on Monday. Sia stayed for three and a half days to be with her client, and the client wanted her to move in. The client said she was treated like a queen. How amazing is that? Thank you!"

“Shavonne drove to her client in the snow and stayed there from Friday to Sunday - non stop. Shavonne had her same amazingly positive attitude the whole time and refused to let her client stay alone until her amazing relief Latoya arrived on Sunday. Another mighty woman! Thank you!"

“Latoya worked on Wednesday and refused to let the snow change her attitude about her job that night. Then on Sunday, after she was able to clear the snow from her car, she went to the rescue to relieve Shavonne, happily, and stayed there until late Monday evening. Another mighty woman! How do you guys do that! Thank you!"

“While each deserves a huge separate recognition on her own, we really feel we have to thank this amazing tag team together - like the great team they are. Nurses Teresa and Morhonda decided to stay on sight when the their shift finished to rest on sight to guarantee that they are there to relieve each other and care for the client who needs them around the clock. Caring for the client and supporting his family was business as usual for these unbelievably reliable, caring, professional women. Teresa’s husband also earned an employee of the week award, if we could! Thank you!"

“While each deserves a huge separate recognition on her own, we really feel we have to thank this amazing tag team together - like the great team they are. Nurses Teresa and Morhonda decided to stay on sight when the their shift finished to rest on sight to guarantee that they are there to relieve each other and care for the client who needs them around the clock. Caring for the client and supporting his family was business as usual for these unbelievably reliable, caring, professional women. Teresa’s husband also earned an employee of the week award, if we could! Thank you!"

“While she did not have a long shift on Sunday, she voluntarily decided to help her colleagues Teresa and Morhanda (during their weekend marathon!) for 6 hours Sunday afternoon. A true team player! Thank you!"

“After servicing her ongoing client in Aexandria, Veda started her journey back home in DC Wednesday evening, using public transportation, which last several hours. She did wonderful in keeping us informed while we worried for her. Amazing! Thank you!"

“I also wanted to mention our Care Manager Yodite Mezegebu who handled this emergency situation like a pro and was there for you and your clients around the clock that whole week. Triaging calls, solving problems, worrying about the safety of caregivers, calling Ubers, and comforting clients — all while shoveling snow with mom and dad at home! Thank you!"