Resources to promote fall prevention and safety
At BrightStar Care®, we take a unique approach to decreasing fall risk by pairing our unmatched clinical expertise with key patient education resources to help and empower families. As part of our efforts to promote senior fall prevention, we recognize that all parties involved - family caregivers, elderly loved ones and any other members of the care team - play an important role in recognizing fall risk and taking the necessary steps to reduce it. We've created key tools and resources for families to learn about top reasons for falls and provide tips about what steps can be taken to promote safety and wellness.
Joint Commission "Speak Up" Series: Reduce Your Risk of FallingFREE Home Safey Checklist
Statistics Make the Case for PromotingElderly Falls Prevention
Elderly Falls: Who's At Risk?
CareTogether: Home Safety Checklist
Video: “Focus on Falls” and Elderly Falls Prevention
Video Gallery
Elderly Fall Prevention - BrightStar Care's "Focus on Falls"
Medication and Fall Prevention
Weakness, Fatigue and Elderly Fall Prevention
Decreasing Fall Risk with Physical Fitness
Home Safety and Fall Risk