
Do No Resuscitate Order in New Jersey (DNR)

October 16, 2011
A very difficult topic for families to discuss with loved ones is whether or not to have a Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) order in place.  Many people these days have an advanced directive or a living will and feel comfortable with that discussion.  Unfortunately, if Emergency Medical Services (EMS) personnel arrive at your home and a loved one is in cardiac or respiratory arrest, they will start CPR unless a DNR order is visible in the home.  EMS will not stop to read an advanced directive or a living will. In New Jersey, an Out-OF-Hospital DNR has to filled out by the patient or surrogate and signed by a physician.  The DNR will be honored by all EMS  personnel, first responders and other healthcare providers who have contact with the patient.  But the DNR has to be visible and available.  The indiviual(s) (patient, surrogate or physician) who signed the form may rescind it at any time.  Photocopies of the document are permitted and will be honored at all times. If you would like a copy of the official Medical Society of New Jersey DNR  please click here.  You also can contact our office at 862-398-0515 or at  with any further questions.  Please visit our local website at  BrightStar of Morris County.