Transitioning to 24-Hour Care: Tips for Smoothly Adjusting to Round-the-Clock Support

Transitioning to 24-Hour Care: Tips for Smoothly Adjusting to Round-the-Clock Support

July 15, 2024
Deciding to introduce 24-hour care into your loved one's life isn't easy, but ensuring their safety and well-being is often necessary. 

At BrightStar Care West Portland, we get how big of a shift this is for everyone involved. With practical advice and heartfelt support, we're here to help make this transition as smooth as possible.

Why 24-Hour Care?

Sometimes, a loved one's needs become more than what can be managed part-time. This might be due to recovery from surgery, a progression in illness, or simply the demands of aging. Round-the-clock care can bring peace of mind, knowing that your family member is in safe hands at all times.

There comes a time in many people's lives when the level of care they require exceeds what can be managed on a part-time or intermittent basis. This need for continuous support could arise from various situations, including recovery from surgery, progression in chronic illnesses, or the complexities associated with aging. 
  1. Recovery from Surgery: Post-operative care can be critical, especially after major surgery. The body is vulnerable and healing, and complications can arise quickly. Continuous monitoring ensures that any signs of infection, bleeding, or other post-surgical complications are detected and addressed promptly. Having a professional caregiver around the clock can help with medication management, wound care, and mobility, which are crucial for a safe and speedy recovery.
  2. Progression of Illness: Many diseases and conditions, such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, or cancer, can progress to a point where the patient requires constant supervision and care. As these illnesses advance, they can impair physical abilities and cognitive functions and even alter behavior. 24-hour care provides the necessary intervention at any time of the day or night, ensuring that medical needs are met and safety is maintained. This continuous presence can also help manage the common fluctuations in symptoms that these conditions often present.
  3. Demands of Aging: Aging can bring about a decline in physical strength and mental acuity, increasing the risk of falls and injuries and making daily tasks like bathing, dressing, and eating challenging. Elderly patients might also experience loneliness and depression, which can further deteriorate their health. Round-the-clock care offers not just assistance with physical tasks but also companionship. Caregivers can engage seniors in meaningful activities that enhance their quality of life and mental well-being.
  4. Peace of Mind: One of the most significant benefits of 24-hour care is the peace of mind it brings to family members. Knowing that a loved one is always in capable hands alleviates the stress and worry that often accompany caregiving. Family members can rest assured that their loved one is safe and receiving professional attention that maximizes their comfort and dignity.

Making Your Home Ready for 24-Hour Care

Prepping your space is a practical first step. It's all about creating a safe, comfortable area that supports both the physical and emotional needs of your loved one. Consider installing safety handles in the bathroom, securing rugs to avoid slips, and arranging the home so it's easy to navigate. These small changes can make a big difference:
  1. Enhance Mobility and Prevent Falls: Install bathroom safety handles and grab bars, secure rugs with non-slip backings, and place ramps at entryways if necessary. This makes navigating the home safer and more accessible.
  2. Optimize Home Lighting: Ensure all areas are well-lit to prevent accidents. Use night lights in hallways and bathrooms, and consider accessible controls like voice-activated systems or reachable switches for easy operation.
  3. Arrange Furniture for Safe Navigation: Reorganize furniture to create clear pathways and accommodate medical equipment. Secure loose cords and ensure that essential items are within easy reach to support independence.
  4. Create a Comfortable Living Environment: Adjust bed and seating heights for easy access and use adjustable beds if needed. Decorate with personal items to create a familiar, soothing atmosphere that supports emotional well-being.
  5. Implement Safety Technologies: Install easy-to-access emergency response systems and medical alert devices. Set up simple-to-use communication devices to help your loved one stay connected with caregivers and family.

Choosing Your Care Team

Finding the right caregivers is crucial. You want skilled, kind-hearted, and patient people. We suggest meeting with potential caregivers to find a good personal fit for your family. This helps make the care experience more positive for everyone, especially for your loved one.

Creating a Daily Routine

Routine can significantly reduce stress for your family members. Establish a daily plan with your care team that includes time for meals, medications, activities, and rest. This structure helps maintain a sense of normalcy and stability.

Keeping the Lines Open

Good communication forms the backbone of effective care. Ensure there's a clear way for everyone involved—your loved one, the family, and the caregivers—to share updates and express concerns. Whether through a daily log book or scheduled catch-ups, staying connected can make all the difference.

Supporting Emotional Well-being

Adjusting to 24-hour care can stir up many emotions. It's normal. Be open to these feelings and find support when needed. Sometimes, just talking about the changes can help. Remember, it's okay to seek help—we all need a bit of extra support at times.

Encouraging Visits from Friends and Family

It is important to keep your loved one connected with their social circle. Encourage friends and family to visit regularly. These visits can brighten their day and reinforce their connections with the world around them.

Training and Supporting Your Caregivers

Providing ongoing training and support for caregivers ensures they are always up to speed with the best ways to provide care. This not only enhances the quality of care but also boosts the confidence of your caregivers in managing challenging situations.

Reviewing and Tweaking the Care Plan

Stay proactive about your loved one's care. Regular check-ins with healthcare professionals can help adjust the care plan as your loved one's needs evolve, ensuring that the care remains effective and responsive.

Contact BrightStar Care of West Portland Today! 

Shifting to 24-hour care is a big step, but it's manageable with the proper preparation and support. By setting up a supportive home environment, choosing the right team, and maintaining clear communication, you can help your loved one adjust to their new routine with less stress and more comfort.
Schedule a free consultation today, or apply if you are a nurse looking to work in a compassionate environment held to a higher standard. 

We invite you to contact us today if you would like to learn more about our wide range of caregiving services! Our office is at 1675 SW Marlow Ave Suite 405, Portland, OR 97225. You can also reach us by phone at (503) 620-6011. Hopefully, we'll hear from you soon!