
Pneumonia: Causes, Symptoms, and Prevention for the Elderly

December 15, 2022
Pneumonia is a serious infection in the lung tissue caused by bacteria, viruses, or fungi, and can lead to fatal complications if not treated properly. The elderly population is more at risk of developing pneumonia due to weakened immune systems. It is important to understand the causes and symptoms of pneumonia so that it can be quickly diagnosed and treated. Here we will discuss the symptoms of pneumonia and treatment options available as well as how to prevent pneumonia in the elderly.

What is Pneumonia? 

Pneumonia is an infection in one or both lungs that can be caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi, or other organisms. It usually occurs when an individual breathes in droplets carrying the infectious organism from another person who has already been infected. The severity of the infection depends on several factors including age, health conditions, lifestyle choices such as smoking, and other factors.

Who Is Most at Risk for Developing Pneumonia? 

The elderly population is most at risk for developing pneumonia due to weakened immune systems which make them more susceptible to infections. Other individuals who are more prone to developing this disease include smokers and those with existing health conditions such as COPD or asthma.

Symptoms of Pneumonia 

It can be difficult to distinguish between common colds or flu-like symptoms and pneumonia since they both share many similarities. One way to tell if you may have pneumonia is if your symptoms do not improve after a few days of rest or become worse over time. 
Common symptoms include:
  • Coughing up greenish or yellow mucus;
  • Shortness of breath 
  • Chest pain 
  • Fever & sweating
  • Shaking chills
  • Loss of appetite
  • Fatigue
  • Headache 
  • Confusion especially in older adults
  • Rapid breathing rate (more than 20 breaths per minute); bluish skin color (especially around fingers & lips). 

What is the Best Way to Treat and Prevent Pneumonia in Seniors?

Treating Pneumonia

A medical practitioner's approach to pneumonia depends on the patient's condition. Antibiotics, cough medicines, and pain relievers may be prescribed to the elderly patient depending on the severity of the infection. Oxygen therapy is effective when combined with this method. In the case of seniors suffering from pneumonia, a variety of breathing treatments can prevent the disease from escalating and inviting further complications.

When recovering from pneumonia, seniors must take the medications prescribed by their doctors. Caregivers and family members can help in this situation. As a result, they can carefully monitor their symptoms, allowing for a quality recovery.

Preventing Pneumonia

To prevent pneumonia, you can take steps to reduce your chances of contracting this respiratory infection. To combat respiratory illnesses, elderly adults should consider getting a flu vaccine, for example. In addition to a healthy and balanced lifestyle, this can help prevent pneumonia.

Moreover, it is advisable to avoid people who are ill, especially seniors who are more likely to contract pneumonia. Public places can compromise a person's health and immune system, so it is best to practice caution when traveling. Practicing regular hand washing and wearing medical-grade facial masks is also beneficial in protecting against harmful particles.
Seniors and caregivers must keep their patients' homes clean and sanitary and sanitize them as often as possible. All elderly adults are vulnerable to respiratory infections caused by must, mildew, and molds.

What is the Role of a Caregiver?

When seniors and their families are diagnosed with pneumonia, it can be frightening. In older adults whose immune systems have weakened over time, these lung infections can last for months. Seniors who have just recovered from pneumonia usually recover in the hospital following a surgical procedure where medical care is readily available. Seniors can, however, continue their recovery at home after they are discharged from the hospital. Caregivers can help in this situation.

Seniors who require caregiver assistance can recover safely and adequately. As a result, pneumonia is also prevented from spreading and infecting. Caregivers play some roles in the recovery process, including:

Provide Good Nutrition

A loss of appetite is common among elderly adults recovering from pneumonia. Recovery requires proper nutrition, which can be challenging. As fatigue is a common side effect of pneumonia, they may need assistance planning meals. Caregivers can help seniors plan healthy meals while keeping their nutrition in check. In addition, they can assist with grocery shopping and stocking the kitchen.

Furthermore, this prevents the patient from contracting any food-borne illnesses during recovery. To prevent infection, caregivers can help clean and sanitize their homes.

Managing Medication

Scheduling medications can be tricky, especially if they have coincident times. Many maintenance medications may be prescribed to elderly adults during the recovery process. Even though pillboxes and calendars can be used to keep track of medications, recovering seniors may not be able to do this on their own.

It is much easier for seniors to manage medication if they have a caregiver because someone else is responsible for administering these medications on time and in the right dose.

Encouraging Fluid Intake

As well as providing well-balanced meals, a caregiver can remind pneumonia-stricken elderly patients to drink fluids and stay hydrated. Drinking water aids digestion flushes out toxins and waste, keeps your body hydrated, and more. Especially during recovery, caregivers can encourage seniors to drink water and other fluids regularly.

Being a Good Companion

A serious illness like pneumonia usually requires close monitoring during recovery. When recovering at home, senior patients need someone to monitor them and provide companionship. In turn, this can help elderly patients ward off feelings of loneliness and isolation during this vulnerable time in their lives. Caregivers can keep their patients entertained and preoccupied with reading books, playing simple games, watching a movie, or simply talking to them. It can also bring comfort to family members to know that their elderly loved ones are being taken care of. As well as providing transportation for doctor's appointments and routine check-ups, caregivers are also able to keep track of important details after each visit and take note of important information after each visit.

Contact BrightStar Care of West Portland Today

Schedule a free consultation today, or if you are a nurse looking to work in a compassionate environment held to a higher standard, apply today. We invite you to contact us today if you would like to learn more about our services, as well as our other wide range of caregiving services! You can also reach us by phone at 503-620-6011. Hopefully, we'll hear from you soon!