Why I got a vaccination contest.
A man I met recently who had received his second shot asked me: “What is the most common side effect of getting vaccinated?” I didn’t know. He replied, “People who are vaccinated cannot stop talking about it.” For those of you who are thrilled, as I am, to now be vaccinated please join in our March contest. We hope to get at least 20 replies. Write why you got vaccinated.
Here’s my story: “ I know that vaccinations work and I don’t want to risk the possibility of severe illness and death and possibility of long term effects of Covid 19. I got vaccinated to prevent all of those for myself, my family, my co-workers and patients and for the community, nation and world.” Deborah Parker
What’s your vaccination story? For the month of March we are running a contest letting everyone know why our staff is getting vaccinated. Please write your story and share by sending to deborah.parker@brightstarcare.com and put in subject line “Why I got vaccinated”.
In our last issue of the Friday Covid Update for the month of March we will give out four $10 gift cards to 4 staff who share their best stories. We will also publish the stories in the April Newsletter.
Stay safe and get vaccinated!
Deborah Parker, MPA, RN, CCM
Director of Nursing