81-Year-Old Arizona Great-Grandpa Figuratively Circumventing the Globe, One Step at a Time

81-Year-Old Arizona Great-Grandpa Figuratively Circumventing the Globe, One Step at a Time

September 27, 2023

Across the friendly streets of Gilbert, AZ, there is one particular resident whose determination and daily stride have made him a local legend. That man is none other than 81-year-old Mel McDonald.

Mel’s dedication to walking is no recent phenomenon. Since 2002, come rain or shine, he has consistently taken his daily walks. On the sidewalk, on a treadmill, at the mall and even hallways through his house, he walks wherever he can to reach his steps goal.  The only exception? Three days he spent in a hospital. His walking routine from age 61 to 77 was a consistent 3-4 miles daily. However, at the age of seventy-eight, in a bid to challenge himself further, he elevated his daily target, now clocking in an impressive 7-9 miles per day.

But walking is not the only discipline Mel adheres to. Since 1977, he has meticulously maintained a journal, noting down every step and mile of his journey. He is so committed to the daily routine that even when hospitalized, he would call one of his children to record what had happened that day.  He meticulously records the number of miles and steps he walks each day.   His records boast an astounding 42,000 miles walked, which is akin to approaching two full circuits around our planet.

Beyond his walking feats, Mel McDonald has a distinguished professional background in Arizona's justice landscape. His journey began as a Prosecutor, from which he ascended to the role of a Superior Court Judge. His exceptional service did not go unnoticed on the national stage, as President Ronald Reagan appointed him as the U.S. Attorney for Arizona. After that esteemed tenure, Mel transitioned into criminal defense, providing his expert services for thirty-seven long years before choosing retirement at 80.

No matter the setting – be it on a serene riverboat cruise, amidst the historical landscapes of Israel, or the majestic vistas of Alaska – Mel ensures he is getting his daily dose of walking. One cherished ritual involves a step-count contest with his granddaughter, Emma. Despite Mel often having the higher number, if Emma reaches the 10,000-step threshold, she is lauded with praise and declared the winner.

While many might wonder about Mel's unwavering commitment to walking, the answer is heartfelt: family. He is walking not just for himself but to ensure he remains healthy and vibrant for his substantial clan – comprising eight children, sixteen grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren. Mel frequently quips, “ My family sometimes jokes about my obsession with walking and journaling, but if I have to be addicted to somethings, I might as well make them positive.