
How to Pay for Home Care (without Going to the Poor-House)

January 27, 2017

How to Pay for In-Home Care (Without Going to the Poor House)

We're knocking at your North Shore door to deliver a message, but please don't shoot the messenger if it's not initially the best of news. Truth is, if you're a senior in need of care and you want to receive it at home, financial assistance is not exactly automatic. Medicare, Medicaid and most employer-sponsored HMO and PPO plans will only reimburse you for occasional visits from a nurse and only when you have a specific qualifying medical diagnosis.To learn more about what qualifies and what Medicare will  cover, go online and use the Official Medicare Eligibility Tool.

Other Ways to Pay: You do have other financial options available in order to pay for ongoing, in-home care services. Some involve planning ahead and others don't. 

So to massage the final message: "You can manoeuvre  around to manage to pay for in-home care. When you do, we're here-- BrightStar Care North-Suburban -- in the neighborhood with as much or as little care as you need.  Care to ask what kinds of care? Here... Let us visit you with NO CHARGE FOR A HOME CONSULTATION. Contact our Northbrook BrightStar office at (847) 510-5750 today!