Our Director of Nursing

Leonida Tanopo, BSN, RN

How long have you been a Nurse?

I have been a registered nurse for more than 20 years.

What experience do you bring to BrightStar Care®

I began my career here in the United States as an educator teaching new graduates the nursing process and taught Pharmacology, Anatomy and Physiology. My family and I relocated here to Texas, I continued teaching from 2005 to 2009. After which I spent several years in home health and hospice nursing from 2009 to present. During this time, I was promoted from RN field case manager to RN supervisor and took the director of nursing position since 2017 with different organizations. As a director, I supervised, trained and

What part of your job are you most passionate about?

I am passionate about having the opportunity to make a difference in many people’s lives. I enjoy getting to know our clients and caregivers and it’s a great feeling when we find the right match for each client and caregiver. I care about our clients and treat them as if they are mine. I make sure they get timely and appropriate services.

What are three unique strengths you bring to BrightStar Care? 

My hobbies are reading and watching Christian programs.