Youth LEAD NC is a leader in advocacy for people with disabilities across North Carolina. They are a non-profit organization which aims to uplift youth and young adults with disabilities, ages 30 and younger, by promoting independence and personal growth. The core foundation of the program is the annual Youth Leadership Forum which is planned and hosted by people with disabilities. This multi-day event, which takes place on the NC State University campus, helps to promote the independence of the attending delegates and fosters learning about the Disability Rights Movement and certain civil rights laws. We, at BrightStar Care of Midtown Raleigh, had the great pleasure of partaking in this wonderful event by providing aides for the delegates and staff members. Being a part of the forum has been a major highlight of our year. It was an absolute blast to be involved with and incredibly inspirational! With the forum laying down the groundwork for a strong foundation, the Leading On series builds on top of all that was learned. Leading On is a monthly zoom call delving into a multitude of topics including but not limited to employment and housing. We would highly recommend the Youth Leadership Forum and subsequent Leading On program to anyone interested. Learn more about Youth LEAD NC at their website: in a new window). To contact Youth LEAD NC, please reach out to their Program Coordinator, Meredith Huml at