
Continuous Improvement

February 21, 2019
At BrightStar Care your voice matters. We give our team every possibility to let their voice be heard to make a real difference in how we care for patients and our team. Team members are encouraged to share their thoughts and ideas through:
  • One-on-one’s over coffee with our HR Director
  • Supervisory visits
  • Check-ins from HR Team
  • Home Care Pulse Surveys
  • Monthly Newsletters
One theme that became apparent with our team is the need for more training in best practices, new techniques of patient care and more time training in homes. This year we are committed to meeting that need.
This week our team participated in a body mechanics and safe transfer from our very own Physical Therapist, Shawna W.

Shawna is an experienced physical therapist and believes that continuity of care is maintained when caregivers learn the same techniques that the patients learn during treatments.
IMG_1492.JPGDuring the in-service training, caregivers, CNAs, nurses and our therapy team learned how to lift/transfer patients safely to reduce caregiver injury and fall risks. Our team also was able to feel how patients felt when lifts were done properly using the right tools.
Our team walked away not only understanding how to better care and serve our clients, but also how to build trust and confidence. Ask any of our team members, “What builds more trust, a handshake or a hug?”
They will be happy to not just tell you, but show you!