
Productivity Tips For Nurses New To Home Health

February 22, 2020

Productivity-(1).pngNurses who are interested in home health are typically looking for more flexibility, they want to try something new or want more relationship building with patients through one-on-one care. Home health has a lot to offer new nurses but feeling productive can be a challenge. 

As a home health nurse you have a lot of autonomy. You have to develop a daily schedule that meets the needs of your patients while maintaining the demands of your personal life. Here are our tips to remain productive as a nurse new to home health.

Cluster Your Care

Cluster isn’t only useful in hospitals and facilities but home health as well. As you plan your day consider a few things.

  • Location of patients
  • Type of visit
  • Personality of patient

Organizing your patients to reduce drive time or performing similar types of care(like wound care) back-to-back will help you make the most of your work day.

Be Flexible

As a home health nurse some of your simplest visits, like lab draws, can unexpectedly take longer. You may plan on a 20 minute visit but your patient is enjoying their time with you and chatting about their day! Take the extra time to connect with your patient. Sometimes your patient may not be home as planned and now your schedule needs to be adjusted. Flexibility is key to a successful home health nurse. 

Organize, Organize, Organize!

The autonomy that comes with home health means more responsibilities for you as a nurse. Create a block of time at the beginning and end of your day. At the start of your day review the patients and their plan of care and make sure you have the supplies you need. This is also a good time to call your patients and confirm your visit. At the end of the day, make sure your documentation is complete and start planning for tomorrow. Trunk.jpg

On a side note. When it comes to your supplies, develop a system so you can quickly get the materials you need. Searching for the right catheter or gauze can be a time waster!

Take a Break

Productivity2.pngAs a nurse it is tempting to put patient care first and accept every visit they are offered. Even in home health, nurse burnout is very real! It is important that nurses put themselves first and take care of their mental health. Saying no to a visit when you are feeling overwhelmed or if your schedule is full is OK. Beyond saying no, schedule times for lunch, a break or attending your kids school play. These breaks and saying now will ensure that you can truly provide a higher standard of care.

As a new home health nurse you will face many new challenges but taking these tips to heart will help you feel productive while experiencing a new type of freedom in nursing.

Interested in trying home health? Apply today here.