Navigating Care in Las Vegas: The Risks of Hiring Private Healthcare Providers

Navigating Care in Las Vegas: The Risks of Hiring Private Healthcare Providers

July 22, 2024
Most of us are mindful of money. We want to ensure we are getting the best bang for our buck and not being taken advantage of. 

Recently, we heard a good friend of ours needed to have her home remodeled. She chose the cheapest option, hoping not to break the bank. 

Unfortunately, it ended in disaster with unmet deadlines, shoddy work, and many headaches. She must now redo most of the work, effectively doubling the cost.

Likewise, choosing the right care for your loved ones is one of the most critical decisions you can make, especially in a bustling city like Las Vegas. 

While hiring private healthcare providers for their potentially lower costs and personal recommendations might be tempting, this path is fraught with risks that can have long-term consequences.

From legal and financial liabilities to issues with consistency and quality of care, the challenges of hiring private caregivers are significant. 

This guide will help you understand these risks and why considering an agency might be the safer, more reliable option for ensuring the well-being of your family members.

​What Are the Common Pitfalls of Hiring Private Caregivers?

Over the past few years, we have seen more and more families opting to hire private caregivers and even nurses to save money. We completely understand the temptation. Frequently, families are overwhelmed with choices and have a friend of a friend willing to jump in and help. 

However, while the initial cost savings might be appealing, the hidden pitfalls can turn what seems like a good deal into a costly mistake.

One of the main issues with hiring private caregivers is the lack of formal structure and oversight. Agencies like BrightStar Care have established protocols, background checks, and training programs to ensure caregivers are qualified and reliable. Without these safeguards, families may unknowingly hire individuals lacking the necessary skills or reliability, leading to subpar care and potential harm to their loved ones.

Another significant concern is the absence of a support system. Agencies provide a network of professionals who can intervene if a primary caregiver is unavailable. Private arrangements often lack this backup, leaving families scrambling for alternatives in emergencies or when the caregiver is sick or unable to work. 

How Can Inconsistency and Lack of Training Affect Care?

Inconsistency and lack of training are major issues that can significantly impact the quality of care your loved one receives. Private caregivers, particularly those hired through informal networks, may not have the same level of commitment or reliability as those working through an agency. 

This can lead to missed shifts, irregular care schedules, and ultimately, a disruption in the continuity of care that is crucial for individuals with ongoing health needs.

Private caregivers often need more formal training. Agencies typically provide comprehensive training programs that cover a wide range of essential skills, from basic first aid to specialized medical care. Without this training, private caregivers may not be equipped to handle emergencies or provide the appropriate level of care, putting your loved one's health and safety at risk.

Protecting Your Loved Ones and Yourself

When you hire someone privately, you become their employer, which means you are responsible for understanding and complying with employment laws. This includes adhering to regulations regarding overtime pay, minimum wage, and proper documentation of employment terms. 

It's crucial to be fully aware of and prepared for these challenges to protect your family and ensure they receive the highest quality care.

Understanding Nevada's Overtime Pay Regulations

Nevada is one of the strictest states when it comes to overtime pay. Recently, we had a claim filed with the Department of Labor by a former employee who claimed we owed them $133.00 in overtime pay. With penalties and interest accumulated over 30 days, the fee ballooned to over $4600.

Although we could defend ourselves against this claim due to extensive oversight and meticulous documentation, it was costly and time-consuming. This experience underscores the importance of adhering to Nevada's stringent overtime regulations. 

Even if a caregiver assures you they do not need overtime pay, you could still face significant legal and financial repercussions if a dispute arises.

Could You Be Liable for Unemployment Payments?

If the person you hired does not work out and you need to fire them, you could also be responsible for paying their unemployment benefits. This is another aspect of employer liability that is often overlooked when hiring private caregivers. 

Unemployment payments can be a financial burden, especially if unprepared for this expense. Navigating the unemployment claims process can be complex and time-consuming, further adding to the stress and potential costs of managing private care. 

What Happens if a Caregiver Gets Injured in Your Home?

If a caregiver is injured in your home while on shift, you could be liable for their workers' compensation claim, opening yourself up to potential litigation. 

Workers' compensation laws are designed to protect employees who are injured on the job, but they also place significant responsibilities on employers. 

If you do not have proper workers' compensation insurance, you could be responsible for covering medical expenses, rehabilitation costs, and lost wages out of pocket. 

Why Skilled Nursing Requires a Doctor's Order

It is also critical to note that nurses can only perform skilled tasks on a patient with a doctor's order. Skilled nursing care includes medical procedures such as administering medication, wound care, and other treatments that require professional medical expertise. 

If you have a nurse willing to provide this level of care without a doctor's supervision, they are not only jeopardizing their license but also putting your loved one at risk. Unauthorized medical care can lead to serious health complications and legal issues. 

Why Consulting an Attorney and Accountant is Essential

If you choose to hire private healthcare providers, it is imperative to consult with an attorney and an accountant to protect yourself and your most precious family members. 

An attorney can help you navigate the complex legal landscape of employment laws, contracts, and liability issues, ensuring you are fully compliant and protected from potential lawsuits. 

On the other hand, an accountant can assist with the financial aspects, such as payroll, tax obligations, and financial planning, helping you manage costs and avoid unexpected financial burdens.

The Advantages of Hiring an Agency for In-Home Care

By hiring an agency like BrightStar Care, you gain access to a team of highly trained professionals dedicated to delivering personalized care.

We offer a nuanced, structured approach for people battling dementia to those needing trach/ vent care, ensuring that every caregiver is thoroughly vetted, certified, and continuously trained. 

This means you can rest easy knowing that your loved ones are in the hands of qualified, compassionate caregivers committed to enhancing their quality of life.

How Agencies Ensure Consistent and Reliable Care

Our caregivers are part of a coordinated team, ensuring that there is always a qualified professional available to provide care, even if the primary caregiver is unavailable. 

This eliminates the stress of sudden caregiver absences and ensures your loved ones receive uninterrupted, high-quality care. 

BrightStar Care also employs rigorous training programs and ongoing evaluations to maintain the highest standards of care. This consistent approach exceeds families' expectations, providing peace of mind and a stable environment for those receiving care.

How Agencies Provide Better Value for Money in the Long Run

While the upfront costs seem higher than hiring a private caregiver, the comprehensive services and support an agency provides ensure more significant overall savings and fewer headaches down the line. 

BrightStar Care handles all the complex aspects of employment, including payroll, taxes, insurance, and compliance with legal regulations, saving you time and potential legal fees. Structured care plans and professional oversight reduce the risk of medical errors and health complications, which can result in costly emergency treatments and hospital stays.

By choosing BrightStar Care, you are investing in a reliable, cost-effective solution that prioritizes the health and happiness of your loved ones, ensuring better outcomes and financial peace of mind for your family.

Secure Quality In-Home Care with Bright Star Care

Discover how our professional, compassionate caregivers can make a difference in your family's life. Let us provide the consistent, reliable, and high-quality care your loved ones deserve.

Contact BrightStar Care of  W. Central Las Vegas! 

BrightStar Care of Las Vegas's team of professionals will assist you in finding the right caregiver for your loved one. Contact us today to learn more about caregiving services! Our office is at  4775 S. Durango Dr., Suite 200, Las Vegas, NV, 89147.  You may also call us at (702) 982-2273. We look forward to hearing from you!