
Finding a Safe, Cool Place for Seniors in Las Vegas

August 14, 2018

Las Vegas Heat Alert for Seniors - Keep’em Cool!

It's common for people to become complacent about the extreme heat here in Las Vegas, but doctors want you to remember that there are real dangers for seniors.

Hot weather is dangerous, and seniors are especially at risk. Elderly heat stroke and heat exhaustion can be prevented if we all help look out for our seniors. 40% of heat-related fatalities in the U.S. are among people over 65, and we must do what we can to help keep seniors safe in the heat.
There are several reasons for elderly heat vulnerability. People’s ability to notice changes in their body temperature decreases with age. Many seniors also have underlying health conditions that make them less able to adapt to heat. Furthermore, many medicines that seniors take can contribute to dehydration. Fortunately, a few simple precautions are all that’s needed to keep safe.
Recently a Las Vegas bus driver's act of kindness helping an elderly passenger, 92, cool off in searing heat was featured on Fox News. Take a look at how this ordinary hero helped a senior avoid heat stroke:
Everyone in our community can help with awareness!  Make sure the seniors you know and see are safe.
BrightStar Care of Las Vegas salutes Bus Driver Mike Blair, and urge you to please share his story with others to raise awareness. 

To learn more about how BrighStar Care of Las Vegas supports seniors living safely at home, please visit our website.