
What Are the Most Common Clutter Areas in Your Elderly Loved One's Home?

September 15, 2016

Home Care in Loxahatchee FL

Home Care in Loxahatchee FLWhether your elderly loved one has a problem with hoarding or not, it's easy enough to gather clutter over the years. For your elderly loved one, it might be so much of a hassle clearing it out that it's easier for her to leave it. If you're looking for hidden areas to clear out clutter for your loved one, try these spots.

Basements and Attics

Basements and attics are truly the location that collect the most stuff in just about any house. If there isn't a spot for the item in the house, one of these two rooms is a good holding spot. The problem is that items often become forgotten here. Tread carefully in these rooms, because your loved one might want some of these items to go to specific places so ask before removing.


Bedrooms can become a clutter spot for lots of reasons. Under the bed, in the closet, and inside drawers are the hot spots. Your loved one might have collected lots of clothing and accessories over the years and just never removed any of them. A stuffed closet is one that can't be used very well.


Stairs are a particular problem because this is a huge safety hazard. Often items meant to go to rooms either upstairs or downstairs find a temporary home on the stairs themselves or at landings. If your loved one doesn't keep up with these items, they can actually form a clog keeping her from safely using the stairs.


Kitchens have three big problem areas: Counters, drawers or cabinets, and food items. If your loved one isn't using the vast majority of her kitchen implements, it's time to pare down. Mail and other items collected on the counters needs sorting and shredding. Make sure that you spend extra time in the pantry, fridge, and freezer discarding foods that are expired or otherwise inedible.


Bathrooms are already a dangerous spot in the home because it's the room that your elderly loved one is most vulnerable in during her visits. Expired medications, expired face and body products, and overly cluttered shelves just complicate the problem. Go through cabinets, drawers, and closets to get the room fully sorted and safe to use.

If your loved one isn't able to help out with the decluttering project, consider hiring home care providers so that you can focus on clearing the clutter.

If you or an aging loved one are considering home care in Loxahatchee, FL, contact the caring staff at BrightStar Care of Jupiter. Call today (561) 741-1200.