
Do You Feel that Your Senior Doesn't Respect Your Privacy? 

June 6, 2018
Jack Nicol
Having constant battles with your aging adult about respecting your privacy can make any caregiver a little bit cranky. There are a lot of reasons your senior might have trouble with your boundaries, but there are also a lot of ways you can firm those boundaries up so they're more difficult to disrespect.

Do What You Can to Set up Separate Spaces for You Both

If you and your elderly family member are living in the same location, blurred boundaries and overlapping spaces can create a huge privacy problem. Take a look at the space that you have and see what is possible for you to do in order to create separate spaces for each of you. Having somewhere that you can go that is just yours can make a big difference in how you're feeling.

House Rules Can Help

Changing relationship dynamics can make respecting privacy difficult for your aging adult. Perhaps your elderly family member finds it difficult to cope with the life changes she's facing, so treating you as if you're younger than you are can help her to manage on some levels. Sit down with your elderly family member and talk about your boundaries. If there are things that you want her to leave alone, be clear about that. Ask her as well how you can better respect her privacy.

Reinforce Boundaries with Closed Doors or Locks

New boundaries aren't always easy to adapt to, especially if your elderly family member is resistant to the idea. You may find that you need to reinforce your boundaries by closing your bedroom door or even by locking the room or just a drawer. You might feel weird about doing this at first, but if you're upset about having your privacy invaded, this can give you the security you need.

Take Some Time Away from Caregiving Regularly

Privacy issues and boundary problems can become a much bigger issue for you when you're stressed. This is why taking time away from being a caregiver can be so helpful with so many situations. Work with elderly care providers you trust and step away for an afternoon or an entire day. When you come home, you'll be better able to cope with everything that is waiting for you.

If you're continuing to have privacy and boundary issues with your aging adult, it might be time to get some extra help. Working with a counselor can help you to both express what is creating the boundary issue. Learning what's behind the problem can help you resolve it.

If you or an aging loved one are considering elderly care in Jupiter Island, FL, contact the caring staff at BrightStar Care of Jupiter. Call today (561) 741-1200.