
Breaking Down 5 Myths About Homecare

July 15, 2024

As family members age, providing care for them can require some additional support. Many times, loved ones understandably want to be able to age at home, but this often requires additional support so that health and safety are attainable for everyone involved, family caregivers included. Partnering with a home health care provider is a wonderful option that allows for space for respite on the part of the family caregiver and appropriate homecare. In many circumstances, misconceptions prohibit family members from seeking out the much needed, beneficial support of homecare. Let’s dive in and break down these myths.

Five Myths Broken Down

Myth #1: Assisted living provides a higher level of care than care at home.

It is possible that assisted living facilities may have more amenities to offer, such as 24- hour a day meal services- but in-home care is an individualized care plan designed to meet the specific needs of your loved one.

Myth #2: Homecare is only for those who are chronically ill or with significant needs.

Yes- homecare is available for people with significant illnesses, individuals discharged from hospitals or rehab facilities, those who are bedbound, and/ or individuals becoming increasingly dependent. However, homecare is also for people who want to maintain their independence so that they can stay at home. Caregivers are able to help manage medications, provide therapies, and help manage day-to-day tasks.

Myth #3: If there is already a family caregiver there is no need to hire an in-home caregiver.

On the contrary! While it is a true blessing to have a loved one/ loved ones to provide care for a family member, it is likely that there are many other responsibilities that the family member is also juggling. A homecare provider can assist with the delicate balance of caregiving for a loved one while maintaining the ability to balance their own tasks and self-care needs.

Myth #4: In-home caregivers cannot be trusted.

It is important to protect your family member and ensure trustworthy individuals are helping in the caregiving. Do your research and seek out reputable home care agencies who are known for screening their caregivers, providing meaningful and appropriate training, and are screened. A homecare agency with a good reputation will be dedicated to providing safe and effective care for their clients.

Myth #5: Homecare is too expensive.

In most cases, home healthcare is covered by Medicare, Medicaid, and mos insurance companies. Quality comes with a price, that is true. Consider the options and quality of care that you and your loved one are seeking. Seek out those government programs that may help to offset the costs. Compare budgets as well as quality of life and make the decision that best meets your needs.


At BrightStar Care, we are committed to empowering people to live their best lives. We offer in-home care and medical staffing that goes above and beyond. Our staff are highly qualified and are able to provide care 24/7.

Make the call to find out more about what our team can do to better help you to meet your needs.