Parkinson's Disease and Exercise
As a home care company, we have a number of patients with Parkinson’s for whom we provide care in the home.
Over the years, we’ve developed nursing approaches to caring for patients in their homes with Parkinson’s as part of our caregiving protocols (we are Joint Commission accredited).
Additionally, our clinical leadership team made up of RNs and even a BSN, bring a combined clinical approach to the supervision of caregiving in the home – as we say, not all caregiving is the same. Additionally, our ADON, Kirsten McGlynn, has prior experience in clinical trials related to Parkinson’s.
All of this combines to give us a perspective on Parkinson’s that we like to share with our clients.
(If you missed our podcast on Parkinson’s and a subsequent episode on the role of music therapy for Parkinson’s please scroll down for a link).... (Click on blog title above for more)