Seniors: Reading for Enjoyment

Seniors: Reading for Enjoyment

February 8, 2024

Reading is a wonderful hobby that can be done in the comfort of your home. Travel to different places and time periods while sitting in your favorite chair or bed. Whether you like fiction or nonfiction, there is a book for you. Harvard Medical University says that reading can help increase life span. They discovered the following results:

“The researchers studied the records of 5,635 participants in the Health and Retirement Study, an ongoing investigation of people who were 50 or older and had provided information on their reading habits when the study began. They determined that people who read books regularly had a 20% lower risk of dying over the next 12 years compared with people who weren't readers or who read periodicals.”


There are so many genres to choose from. Here are some subject matters which may interest you.

  1. Science Fiction
  2. History/ War Fiction
  3. Fantasy
  4. Romance
  5. Comedy
  6. Drama
  7. Mystery
  8. Fiction – autos, sports, cooking, traveling, war nonfiction, biographies, exercise, self-help, arts, finance, and the list goes on.

Amazon has many suggestions for the avid reader. Look at some of these great, “most sold” and “most read” titles:

  1. Walk in My Combat Boots: True Stories from America’s Bravest Warriors
  2. Atomic Habits
  3. The Fourth Wing
  4. House of Flame and Shadow
  5. My Name is Barbara
  6. Outlive
  7. The Boys in the Boat
  8. Spare
  9. The Psychology of Money
  10. The Mountain is You
  11. Forgiving What You Can’t Forget

Books can be enjoyed by individuals with Vision Deficits as well. Try books on tape or Audible on Kindle.

Find your reading niche or explore a variety of books. It will pass the time while challenging your cognitive mind. Brightstar Care of Hudson/ Solon can provide companionship to your loved ones by sharing their favorite novels and reading with them.