
Services and programs for Seniors in Ft. Myers and Naples

May 1, 2024
Aside from family, friends and in-home services like BrightStar Care, our local municipalities are another resource that provides senior citizens with recretional, essential and supportive services to help them live a better life as they age.

In our area, there are many programs available that focus on the social, physical and active aspects of aging that contribute to a senior's health and overall well-being. We’ve done some homework to help you find some good sources of information and contacts to take advantage of the myriad opportunities available to you or your aging loved one.

Recreation and fitness.There are several great places and programs centered around recreation that offer free and discounted activities suitable for seniors. For example, senior can have access to indoor and outdoor facilities and activities such as fitness equipment, splash pads and even miniature train rides. In both Collier and Lee counties, Bocce Ball and Pickleball courts are available on a first come first served basis.

Food Service. For those seniors who continue to live independently but are not able to cook for themselves, Meals on Wheels is a great resource. In Lee County they serve over 1,000 seniors with healthy nutritious meals. In Collier County, the city offers free nutritious meals every weekday and offers education programs that encourage better eating habits.

Social and active programs. The Ft. Myers and Naples areas are abundant in activities, many of which accommodate or even cater to seniors living in the area. There are places that offer a scenic experience such as the Botanical Gardens, the Everglades airboat tour and Bunche Beach Preserve. If you are looking for a more nostalgic experience with your older loved one, consider the Revs Institute for Automotive Research and the perennial museums of Henry Ford and Thomas Edison.

No matter what interests seniors in our area, there is something to do! Here are some great websites to visit that provide more information and resources:

Lee County Municipal Website
Collier Country Public Services for Seniors
Collier Parks
Community Cooperative