Receiving In-Home Care After a Workers’ Compensation Claim

Have you or a loved one been injured on the job? Recovering from a workplace injury can be an uphill battle. Thankfully, Southeast and Southwest Houston, TX residents can look to BrightStar Care for help. Our team assists those receiving workers’ compensation throughout the recovery process. We bring the gold standard in care straight to your home, promoting faster healing and better mental well-being. Learn more about how our seasoned caregivers help people after a workplace accident.

Wokers Comp

Why In-Home Care Is Especially Beneficial

The aftermath of a workplace injury is often overwhelming. In addition to dealing with pain, people often have trouble navigating the workers’ compensation system and securing lost wages. Fortunately, in-home care can make the recovery process a bit easier. Here’s why receiving care at home for a workplace injury is beneficial:

  • Personalized Attention and Care—At BrightStar Care, clients are more than just a number in our system. They’re individuals who deserve best-in-class care. We tailor each care plan to a patient’s specific needs.
  • Convenience and Comfort—Receiving care at home drastically reduces the need for hospital visits and allows individuals to recover in a familiar environment.
  • Enhanced Mental Well-Being—Being at home can significantly boost mental health. Compared to lengthy hospital stays, in-home care promotes a more positive outlook on recovery and life in general.

Choose From a Variety of Services

Our clients with workers’ comp claims come to us for a wide variety of services. Fortunately, we are well-equipped to accommodate changing needs. Our team is proud to offer the following:

  • Personal Care Services—Our personal care professionals assist with daily activities such as bathing, dressing, and grooming, ensuring your or your loved one’s hygiene and comfort.
  • Medical Care Services—BrightStar Care’s skilled nurses provide medical care, including wound care, medication management, and monitoring of vital signs. We can often identify medical concerns and recommend additional care before they get out of control.
  • Physical and Occupational Therapy—Our team can provide in-home physical therapy and occupational therapy for patients whose doctors include them in their care plan. These services improve mobility, strength, and flexibility, all of which go a long way to regaining independence.

How You Can Help a Loved One Receiving Workers’ Comp

If you’re caring for someone receiving workers’ comp, you know how difficult it can be to overcome a traumatic workplace injury. However, there’s a lot you can do to help a loved one on their recovery journey. Here are our tips for being a stable support system:

  • Offer Emotional Support—Encouragement, companionship, and understanding can go a long way! Be sure to let your loved one know you’re here for them as they work toward recovery.
  • Assist With Care Coordination—Family members can help coordinate care schedules, manage appointments, and communicate with healthcare providers.
  • Participate in Therapy Sessions—If you’re able to participate in therapy sessions, consider doing so. Being a part of these sessions can provide additional support and motivation, enhancing the effectiveness of therapy.
  • Set Achievable Goals—Help your loved one set small yet achievable goals. Track their progress and remind them often of how far they’ve come. Don’t forget to celebrate milestones along the way!
  • Connect With Support Groups—You might consider researching local support groups that your loved one would like to be a part of. Joining one of these groups may help them connect with others facing similar challenges and share experiences.
  • Stay in Contact With Friends and Family—Recovering from an injury can be isolating. Encourage your loved one to maintain regular contact with friends and family as they work through their injury.

Learn More About In-Home Care for Patients on Workers’ Comp

If in-home care sounds like the solution you’ve been looking for, don’t wait to reach out to BrightStar Care. Our Southeast and Southwest Houston, TX team is proud to have helped so many people navigate care after a workers’ compensation claim. We’ll be with you every step of the way. Contact us today to learn more.