In-Home Physical Therapy Resources for Southeast and Southwest Houston Families

Attending frequent physical therapy appointments can be a challenge for seniors, especially if they can no longer drive themselves to and from the doctor. Fortunately, transportation isn’t a concern when you opt for BrightStar Care. We offer assistance with in-home physical therapy to ensure your loved one can complete their exercises in the comfort of home. Learn more about how we help Southeast and Southwest Houston, TX families with exceptional physical therapy aid.
A physical therapist works with a man in his Southeast or Southwest Houston, TX home

How In-Home Physical Therapy Works

In-home physical therapy works just like a typical appointment, only it occurs in the home. These personalized treatments are designed to help individuals recover from injuries, surgeries, or chronic conditions while avoiding the stress of traveling to a clinic.

Benefits of In-Home Physical Therapy

The team at BrightStar Care is always glad to see clients benefit from in-home PT services. Everyone is different, but generally, you can expect the following advantages for your loved one:

  • Improved Mobility and Independence—Therapists use targeted exercises and treatments to improve strength, flexibility, and balance. This can make daily activities easier and reduce the risk of falls and injuries.
  • Faster Recovery Times—Personalized treatment plans and one-on-one attention ensure patients receive the most effective care, helping them get back on their feet more quickly.
  • Emotional Support and Motivation—Our team members often provide emotional support and motivation for seniors. We build a rapport with the client, offering encouragement and guidance throughout the recovery process.
  • Comfort and ConvenienceReceiving care at home means your loved one can stick to their routines, stay in familiar surroundings, and avoid the discomfort and inconvenience of transportation.
  • Enhanced Safety—In-home physical therapy reduces safety risks by allowing treatment to take place in a controlled and secure environment. Our team can also provide valuable advice on how to make the home safer and more accessible.

Common Stretches and Exercises

Physical therapy in the home isn’t much different from what you’d get at a clinic. You or your loved one will still be given a list of stretches and exercises to strengthen their muscles and increase flexibility. The most common exercises will target the following:

  • Flexibility—These exercises help improve range of motion, reduce stiffness, and prevent injuries. Professionals will guide your loved one through various stretches tailored to their specific needs.
  • Strength— Strength training is crucial for building muscle mass, improving balance, and enhancing overall physical function. Your loved one might use resistance bands, light weights, and bodyweight exercises to build strength safely and effectively.
  • Balance and Coordination—Improving balance and coordination is a key goal of in-home physical therapy, as it can significantly reduce the risk of falls and injuries. Therapists use exercises such as standing on one foot, heel-to-toe walking, and stability ball exercises to enhance these skills.

How You Can Support Your Loved One

As a family caregiver, you’re dedicated to your loved one’s well-being. It can be difficult to pass the baton to home healthcare providers. Thankfully, there’s plenty you can do to support your family members throughout their physical therapy sessions. Here are our recommendations for providing support:

  • Encourage Consistency—Consistency is paramount to successful physical therapy. Caregivers should help patients stick to their therapy schedules and encourage regular exercise.
  • Monitor Progress—Regularly monitoring progress is important for adjusting treatment plans and celebrating achievements. Caregivers can keep track of improvements in strength, mobility, and overall well-being and share this information with homecare professionals.
  • Stay Positive and Motivated—Maintaining a positive attitude and staying motivated can significantly impact your loved one’s recovery. Celebrate their victories, set achievable goals, and remind them of the benefits of physical therapy.

Learn More About In-Home Care

BrightStar Care helps make in-home physical therapy possible for seniors. Our seasoned caregivers will guide your loved one through useful stretches and exercises and enhance their recovery process. If you’re interested in in-home PT services in Southeast and Southwest Houston, TX, reach out to our friendly team. We’ll get down to business discussing your loved one’s unique needs!