A sunset is an occasion most of us celebrate and enjoy. It's a time to enjoy the transition from the often hectic and trying pace of the day to the more relaxing nature of evening. But for many elderly people who suffer from Alzheimer's disease or other forms of dementia, it can be a time of increased memory loss, confusion, agitation and even anger.

Hazel, a 74-year-old with early-stage Alzheimer's, loves her breakfasts and is usually in good spirits as she sits for her morning meal. While she has most of the common symptoms of Alzheimer's in the morning and during the day, such as short-term memory loss, language difficulty and disorientation, her personality is manageable and she gets along relatively well with others. As the sun goes down, Hazel becomes increasingly moody and may lash out at those around her. She's been known to strike out at family members and caregivers trying to help her. Often when she goes to bed, she is ranting about people in her past or events from years before, preventing her and others from getting a proper night's sleep. "There is not a clear definition of what Sundowners syndrome means," says a professor of psychiatry in the geriatric psychiatry and neuropsychiatry division of Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. "It's a phrase. Some people would only include agitation in the definition. It is a range of behaviors, something that is not usual for the person that can range from just being restless to striking out." When there's a pattern, it's important to look for triggers or something in the environment. Is there something in the patient's medication? Are their fewer activities? There might be things in the home environment that may change or things in the patient, such as biological changes, sleep-wake cycle and hormone secretion problems. There may be things that can be done, for example, to increase the stimulation for some people, but for others it might be decreasing it. Does it happen every day, how long does it last, how severe is it? Because it is common, many Professional Caregivers who care for Alzheimer's patients are experienced with its range of symptoms and trained to deal with them appropriately. At BrightStar Care in Delray Beach, Boca Raton and Boynton Beach, Caregivers are trained and equipped to deal with Sundowners Syndrome and other behaviors which are often confusing and troubling. “It is important to remember that Sundowners Syndrome in your loved one or patient is not something he or she can help”, said Jesus Adaniel, Owner and Director of Nursing at BrightStar Care of Delray Beach, “they are not purposely becoming agitated or angry or afraid as the afternoon leads to evening. Remaining calm will help you and your loved one get through these stressful moments.”