
Enhancing Dining Experiences at BrightStar Senior Living of Mason: The Role of Colored Plates for Individuals with Dementia

Author: Shannon Stemen - Regional Director
Mealtime is a cherished part of the day at BrightStar Senior Living of Mason, offering not just nourishment but also valuable opportunities for social interaction and connection. Yet, for our residents living with dementia, mealtime can sometimes present challenges, including difficulty in identifying food items. In this blog, we'll explore a simple yet effective solution that can significantly enhance dining experiences for individuals with dementia: the use of colored plates. Let's delve into how this thoughtful approach can promote visual recognition and foster greater independence during mealtime within our community.

The Challenge of Mealtime for Individuals with Dementia:

Dementia can affect various aspects of daily life, including perception and cognition. During mealtime, our residents with dementia may encounter difficulties in identifying different food items due to changes in visual perception and memory. This can lead to frustration, diminished appetite, and a heightened reliance on caregivers for assistance, impacting their sense of autonomy.

The Role of Colored Plates:

Colored plates offer a practical and intuitive solution to address the challenges faced by individuals with dementia during mealtime. By utilizing plates with contrasting colors to the food being served, caregivers can facilitate visual recognition and empower residents to make independent choices. For instance, serving pasta with red sauce on a white plate may blend together, making it challenging for someone with dementia to distinguish between the sauce and the plate. However, presenting the same dish on a blue plate creates a clear contrast, making it easier for the individual to identify and enjoy their meal.

Promoting Visual Recognition and Independence:

The introduction of colored plates not only aids in visual recognition but also fosters a sense of empowerment and independence among individuals with dementia during mealtime. By clearly delineating between different food items, colored plates enable residents to confidently select and savor their meals without feeling overwhelmed or reliant on assistance from others.

Practical Implementation Tips:

When incorporating colored plates into our meal services for individuals with dementia, we prioritize practicality and effectiveness:
- We opt for plates with solid, contrasting colors that stand out against the food being served, such as vibrant blues or greens.
- We avoid intricate patterns or designs on the plates that may cause visual confusion or distraction.
- We ensure that our dining areas are well-lit to further enhance visibility and maximize the contrast between the plates and the food.
- We encourage independence by allowing residents to choose their preferred colored plate for each meal, promoting a sense of ownership and personalization.

At BrightStar Senior Living of Mason, we are committed to enhancing the dining experiences of all our residents, including those living with dementia. By incorporating colored plates into our meal services, we can make a tangible difference in promoting visual recognition, autonomy, and overall well-being during mealtime. As caregivers, it is our privilege to explore and implement simple yet impactful strategies like this to support the dignity and quality of life of our residents living with dementia.