CDPHE Confirm Mosquitoes Have Tested Positive for West Nile Virus in Adams, Boulder, Larimer and Weld Counties
Two individuals in Weld County and Delta County are the first reported human cases of the
virus in 2018.
The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment says most humans who contract the virus, about 80 percent, will not have any symptoms. About 20 percent of people will show symptoms, which are similar to the flu. State health officials said that about 1 percent of people who test positive for West Nile virus will develop a more serious, potentially deadly illness.Last year, Boulder County Sheriff Joe Pelle was one of the lucky ones. “I never had a symptom, I never felt sick,” said the longtime sheriff of Boulder County. “I go to Bonfils [Blood Center] every six weeks and donate blood and did that, and got a call and they said, you’ve got West Nile!”
Because Pelle didn’t have any symptoms or sickness, his recovery was pretty simple. He just had to wait for the virus to pass before he could donate blood again. However, he is cautious this time of year. “We all live in Colorado for a reason, and I like to do all kind of outdoor activities including fishing and hiking and horseback riding and golf and I’m not going to quit doing that,” he said. “But I got a can of OFF in my golf bag, and I take precautions when I need to when the mosquitoes are out.” In 2017 CDPHE reported four fatalities out of 68 human West Nile virus cases.
CDPHE suggests taking the following measures to protect yourself and your home:
- Use insect repellents when you go outdoors. Repellents containing DEET, picaridin, IR3535, and some oil of lemon eucalyptus and para-methane-diol products provide the best protection. Follow label instructions.
- Limit outdoor activities at dusk and dawn, when mosquitoes that carry West Nile virus are most active.
- Wear protective clothing (long pants, long-sleeved shirts and socks) in areas where mosquitoes are active. Spray clothes with insect repellent for extra protection.
- Drain standing water around your house often. Empty water from tires, cans, flower pots, clogged gutters, rain barrels, birdbaths, toys and puddles.
- Install or repair screens on windows and doors.
Brightstar Care of Boulder County provides a full continuum of skilled in-home care services for your safety during these hot summer nights. To learn more: Click Here